Once animals begin coming out of hibernation during the spring, your risk of hitting one with your car goes up. The good news is that your auto insurance can be there to assist you when animal strikes occur. In order for this to happen, however, you must ensure that you have the proper benefits in place. This can be accomplished by securing a type of coverage known as comprehensive insurance.
Comprehensive Insurance and Animal Strike Coverage
If you have comprehensive coverage on your auto policy, that means you have a specific benefit that is designed to insure your vehicle against physical damage unrelated to a collision. Animal strikes will likely have coverage under this benefit. 
What Should You Do After an Animal Collision?
If you strike an animal, it is best to immediately call the police and emergency services. They can respond to the scene, direct traffic and help you document the accident. Afterwards, you should contact your insurance company to learn what your next steps will be. They can start the claims process and analyze the accident. They will then determine how much your policy can cover in this situation.
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